Students' Union Elections

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Candidate for the position of Students' Union Council - EPS Representative (Undergraduate)

Image for Ben Friel

Ben Friel

I am a Software Engineering Student and Higher-Level Apprentice eager to champion accountability in Apprenticeship Operations at QUB, ensuring apprentices gain the representation they've historically lacked. Committed to making the SU transparent and effective for all, drawing from my combined apprentice and student insights alongside proven leadership in apprenticeship advocacy.

Holding the Union Accountable for a Brighter Tomorrow

I understand the importance of this role, and here's why I believe I’m the right choice to represent you:

  1. Dual Perspective – Student and Apprentice: As both a student and a Higher-Level Apprentice, I bring a unique perspective to the table. This dual role has granted me insights into the challenges and opportunities of both worlds, positioning me to understand and advocate for a wider range of student needs effectively.

  2. Ensuring Transparency and Accountability: This role is about oversight, and I am committed to rigorously holding the Student Union to account. My top priority is ensuring transparency, fostering open communication, and consistently evaluating our Union’s actions against our shared goals and values.

  3. Dedicated Advocacy in Leadership Roles: I am currently on the Leadership Team at the National Society of Apprentices (a lobbying body representing apprentices), where I volunteer my free time to fight for apprentices' (and students') rights. Be it advocating for enhanced apprenticeship standards at both national and European levels or ensuring our concerns are voiced effectively.

Three Essential Changes I'll Champion:

  1. Prioritising 'Strategy 2030': Whilst the 'Strategy 2030' plan outlines a roadmap for our future, it's crucial that students remain its core focus. I am particularly driven to ensure that apprenticeships, which are seeing a steady increase in numbers year on year, are aptly represented in this strategy.
  2. Advocating for More Apprenticeships: Apprenticeships have multiple advantages, from offering pathways with reduced or even no student fees to providing potential employment opportunities post-graduation. Whilst we've seen a rise in apprenticeships, I'm convinced we can elevate their prominence even further. I am eager to influence and champion a larger increase, ensuring more students can reap the benefits of these unparalleled opportunities.

  3. Accountability in Apprenticeship Operations at QUB: Apprenticeships are invaluable, but so are the apprentices. I intend to introduce a policy ensuring QUB maintains a dedicated framework for their apprentices. This will oversee how apprentices are managed, guaranteeing they are treated with the respect they deserve and that their roles are approached appropriately.

Let’s work together to create an accountable, transparent, and effective Student Union that serves us all.